Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

PBIS: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Starting the first day of school, students and staff work together to develop agreements around positive behaviors that show we are ready to learn and contribute to a positive school community. Throughout the year there is a continued focus that strengthens our understanding of what it looks like, feels like, and sounds like to R O A R at SFES - Respectful, Organized, ALWAYS Safe, & Responsible.


To have a comprehensive program of support that provides a positive and productive learning environment, our school includes elements of PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports), Restorative Practices, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum throughout the school day.


Please review the information contained in this brochure with your child(ren).


  • Ask your child to tell you about our school-wide expectations.

  • Ask your child to discuss examples of ways they can use these expectations to help contribute to a positive learning community.

  • Discuss ways these expectations apply at home and in the larger community.

If you ever have any questions about our PBIS program, please call the front office to speak with either an Administrator or the School Counselor.


The staff at Stevens Forest Elementary School is focused on working with students and their families/guardians to promote a safe and nurturing environment in all school settings.  We have four expectations for ROAR which are reinforced daily.


At SFES, we positively ROAR!

We are Respectful, Organized, Responsible, and Ready!

Community Agreements

At the beginning of the school year, every classroom will develop their classroom Community Agreements. These plans will be shared so families can be aware of expectations, support, and positive and re-teach opportunities. Please reach out to your child’s teacher to learn more about the Community Agreements.

Bobcat Dojo Points

As a staff, we work as a community to acknowledge and reinforce positive ROARing behaviors. Students displaying these positive behaviors Bobcat Dojo Points.

  • Bobcat Points are given by classroom teachers through Class Dojo.

  • Weekly students have the opportunity to trade in their points for various rewards, both tangible and non-tangible.

  • Each grade level will have a menu of rewards to choose from. There is also a school-wide rewards menu.  A few examples are: sitting in a special seat for the day, being first to pick special classroom jobs, or having lunch with the teacher!

  • Students can also earn positive phone calls home & positive Principal calls!



Classroom:  Raise your hand, be an active participant

Lunch: Use a quiet voice, follow adult instructions, use kind words

Recess:  Play fair, include all

Hallway:  Walk quietly, self to self

Bathroom:  Wait for permission, respect privacy.

Arrival/Dismissal: Listen to crossing guards, stand in line at the canopy 


Classroom:  Have all materials ready

Lunch: Get all needed supplies

Recess: Help clean up at the whistle

Hallway:  Walk when the line moves

Bathroom:  Use the bathroom closest to class, throw away trash

Arrival/Dismissal: Hold onto supplies and backpack


Classroom:  Follow the classroom


Lunch: Eat your own food, stay in your seat

Recess:  Follow rules for playing games

Hallway: Eyes forward, hands to self

Bathroom:  Respect privacy

Arrival/Dismissal:  Walk on path and be kind to others


Classroom:  Begin work on time, accept responsibility for self

Lunch: Clean up your own trash

Recess:  Use equipment appropriately

Hallway:  Stay on green and yellow

Bathroom:  Flush toilet and wash hands

Arrival/Dismissal:  Walk to and from on time