Trunk or Treat Postponement: Friday, 11/2

Thu, 10/25/2018 - 1:25pm

The current weather forecast for Friday evening contains significant rain as the remnants of Hurricane Willa move through our area. Trunk or Treat will be postponed until next Friday, November 2nd. If you were signed up to decorate your car and will now be UNABLE to participate, please contact the event's Chair, Miriam Bell, at

El pronóstico meteorológico actual para la noche del viernes contiene lluvias importantes a medida que los restos del huracán Willa se mueven a través de nuestra área. Trunk or Treat se pospondrá hasta el próximo viernes 2 de noviembre. Si se inscribió para decorar su automóvil y ahora NO PODRÁ participar, comuníquese con la Presidenta del evento, Miriam Bell, en

Thanks for your continued support,