Maryland Meals for Achievement

Mon, 02/11/2019 - 2:00pm

Did you know that all students at our school have access to school breakfast in the classroom thanks to a state funded program called Maryland Meals for Achievement?

When students eat breakfast, they perform better academically, and miss fewer days of school, and have fewer behavioral problems. A study conducted by Harvard Medical School found that schools with Maryland Meals for Achievement had:

  • Decreased behavioral problems in the classroom,
  • Increased attention spans,
  • Decreased tardiness
  • Improved Maryland test scores, and
  • Decreased visits to the Health Room for headaches and hunger pains.

On Valentine's Day, students will receive a special Valentine to decoreate and show why they love breakfast in the classroom. For students with a media release, photos may be shared via social media using the hashtag #iLoveMMFA. Valentine cards may also be shared with our State's leaders.

We are thankful to have Maryland Meals for Achievement to support breakfast at our school so all students can start the day read to learn.