Quarter 2 Grading & Reporting

Mon, 02/01/2021 - 11:28am

As we approach the end of the second marking period, we would like to provide some updates and information regarding Quarter 2 Grading and Reporting.  Please see the information below:

  • Quarter 2 Grading Period ends on Thursday, January 28
  • Quarter 2 Report Cards will be issued on Friday, February 5
  • Families are encouraged to review grades in Canvas now and make sure to complete any missing assignments as soon as possible.
  • Any missing assignments must be submitted by Thursday, January 28
  • While all synchronous and asynchronous assignments will be factored into Quarter 2 grades, teachers may give more weight to synchronous assignments
  • Related Arts and Health Grades will be given for the entire first semester on the 2nd marking period report card
  • Students are invited and encouraged to attend our weekly Synchronous Support Sessions, where they can receive support with the completion of past due asynchronous assignments.  Please contact your child's teacher for log-in codes and times.

While interim progress reports have not been issued during Quarter 1 and Quarter 2, our teachers have been working diligently to regularly communicate student progress throughout the school year via Canvas throughout the school year.  Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions about their Quarter 2 grades and/or class performance.  Additional information and details regarding the updated HCPSS Grading Policy for 2020-21 can be found at this link.