Families, we need your help in keeping our classrooms a clean, positive, and distraction-free learning environment. We have noticed students bringing candy and gum to school, which ends up as litter in our hallways and playgrounds! Here's a quick refresher on our food and candy guidelines:
● Candy Time: If packed in lunches, candy is for lunchtime only. Ideally, we encourage healthy snacks and treats!
● Please, no Gum. Gum can be distracting, unsafe during physical activity, and hard to clean up.
● Snack Breaks: Teachers may schedule snack times outside of breakfast and lunchtimes as needed.
● In accordance with HCPSS Policy 9090 – Wellness Through Nutrition and Physical Activity, students may not share food/candy with their peers.
Please help us reinforce these expectations with your child. Thank you for your continued support.