Parent Volunteers Needed to Support 1st Quarter Bobcat Bonanza

As the 1st Quarter comes to a close, our PBIS committee has planned our first Bobcat Bonanza of the year.  This is an exciting opportunity to celebrate the efforts of students who have consistently and frequently displayed positive behaviors this quarter.  

Students who have displayed positive behaviors consistently throughout the quarter will be invited to participate.  Students invited will not have earned an office referral or needed repeated redirection for behavior leading to minor infractions or time outs. If you have questions about the requirements for students to be invited to the Bobcat Bonanza, please contact your child's homeroom teacher.  

Each family was provided a copy of their child's ELA and Math Class Behavior Management Plan in the Friday Folder on October 12th.  The Classroom Behavior Management Plans for Related Arts teachers can be found our school website under the "About" label and then the PBIS section. If you need an additional copy, please contact your child's homeroom/math teacher.

The behavior expectations have been discussed within each grade and classroom since the beginning of the quarter and the students have had a voice in the types of reinforcements they would like to be part of the Bobcat Bonanza.

For the Bobcat Bonanza on Monday, November 5th from 9:30-10 and 2:40-3:10 we are asking for parent volunteers to help with the following stations:

  • 3 volunteers needed to run a face painting stations
  • 2 volunteers needed to paint nails
  • 2 volunteers to put apply temporary tattoos

Please email Sharon McGuire-Smith at if you are able to volunteer.  In your email, please indicate if you are able to help at the 9:30 session, the 2:40 session, or both.

Thank you in advance for your support.