From the Principal

Thank you to everyone who made it out to the Chick-fil-A on Dobbins Road on November 5 to support our first restaurant night fundraising event. The next SFES restaurant night is on December 11 at Chipotle (6181 Old Dobbin Lane) Hope to see you there!

SFES School Improvement Team (SIT):

Are you interested in joining the SFES School Improvement Team (SIT)? This team will meet three times this school year to review school-wide data and suggest/monitor strategies to make SFES even better. Please send Dr. Smith an email at if you are interested in joining this year. The first meeting will take place on November 29 at 3:00 p.m. Thank you.

Home and School Connection Tip:

Helping our children understand that providing service to others in their community, ultimately helps them.  Volunteering has a positive effect on our community — and it’s good for children, too.  We can help our children see that “a win-win situation." They can feel good because they’re helping others, and the others feel good because they're getting help.

Giving back to your community is valuable in itself, but helping others also offers many benefits. For example, it can help you learn more about yourself and even put you on a path to your future career.

Service to others can provide our children with valuable life experiences and skills.  Whether you help build houses for the homeless or collect pet supplies for an animal shelter, children can experience the real world through hands-on work.   They can learn that both the people they are helping and their fellow volunteers can provide insight and broaden their scope of understanding and impact on their community.

To help our children get the most out of their experience, ask them these questions before you help them get started:

  • What have you done in the past that you’ve enjoyed?
  • What do you want to do as a volunteer?
  • How much time can you commit?
  • What talents or skills can you offer?
  • What kinds of people do you want to work with?
  • What would you most like to learn by volunteering?

Together, think of 10 ways your family can serve others. Choose one idea. Pick a date to do the activity. Afterward, talk about your experience.