Night of Excellence – Tuesday, May 21

Tuesday, May 21 is the annual SFES school-wide enrichment fair, or “Night or Excellence”.

The format of the evening will be a little different than it has been in year’s past. There will be no formal event to start the evening. Grade level projects, as well as display boards and products from the various G/T curriculum extension units and instructional seminars will be on display around the building, in the Media Center and in the Gym.

Grade 1, 2 and 3 presentations will run from 6:40-7:40 pm in the GYM. Grade 4 and 5 (as well as GR 3 Unheard Perspectives and Budding Scientists) presentations will also take place from 6:40-7:40 in the Media Center. There will also be some art projects on display throughout the building in the Art Room.

Please come out and join us for an enriching evening, which will showcase the wide variety of talents at Stevens Forest. The Night of Excellence begins at 6:30 PM and will end at 8:00 PM.

Student Presenters at the Night of Excellence

If your child was involved in a curriculum extension unit or an instructional seminar with either Mrs. Kastner or Mrs. Lepore they will receive a form asking if they are able to attend the the Night of Excellence and be a presenter for their unit or seminar. There are at least two presenters assigned to each time frame so that students have a classmate to present with. The top of the form has highlighted times and groups. Students should refer back to the top portion so that they know when they are presenting. Please return the bottom Wednesday May 8th. On the night of the event, schedules will also be posted in the Media Center and in the Gym in case anyone forgets their time frame. A week before the event, student scripts will be sent home to assist the students as they present their work and talk about what they did in the curriculum extension unit or an instructional seminar. If you could discuss some strategies and techniques for introducing themselves to visitors, answering questions, and explaining what they learned or did as part of the unit or seminar, that would be very helpful.