Dismissal on Friday, June 21st

This year we will dismiss on the last day as follows:

12:15 PM All staff NOT assigned to a classroom will gather outside of the front door forming a receiving line on either side all the way down to the sidewalk that runs horizontally to the school.  Parents and staff are invited to bring bubbles to blow.

12:18 PM    PK  will exit through the front door and staff will blow bubbles as they walk to their regular spot along the wall.  PK parents can pick up their child right away by the edge of the wall where PK lines up.

12:20 PM    K and 1st grade

12:23 PM     2nd grade

12:25 PM     3rd grade

12:27 PM     4th grade

12:29 PM     5th grade

​Each classroom teacher will walk at the front of his/her class and lead them out the front door and straight down the staff receiving line that will be blowing bubbles.  

ALL students in grades K-5 will be walked into the fenced section under the canopy through the front opening.   
**except students that ride a bus; grade level paras will walk them directly to their bus

ALL STUDENTS K-4th grade will wait under the canopy until 5th grade has been dismissed and we have blown bubbles and clapped for them.

At that time, parents will be invited to pick-up their students and we will begin to load students into vehicles.

Parents are asked to wait in the grassy areas on either side of the school building and to leave the sidewalks and driveway clear. Please pass this message onto others before and during dismissal.

We ask that you help us honor this request so our dismissal is orderly and we are able to get everyone home safely. Have a safe and enjoyable summer break.