Daily Communication Folder: Daily communication from your child’s teacher will be sent home in the Daily Home and School Communication Folder. This will include homework assignments, special notes, student work, etc. Please be sure to check the blue communication folder each day.
Friday Folder/Weekly Newsletter: A weekly school newsletter is sent home on most Fridays in the Friday Folder. This is a VITAL form of communication between the school and the home. It contains information about our school, special events, and weekly communication from the principal. Please read the SFES Newsletter and keep it available for handy reference during the coming week. In addition, parents may access weekly school newsletters by visiting our school webpage at http://sfes.hcpss.org The Friday Folder will also contain, team notices, and other important notices for parents to review.
Student Personal Device Changes Now in Effect!
As of March 3, personal devices must be silenced and put away at all times during the student day.
Learn more about the updated policy →