Instructional Seminars

Instructional Seminars are open to all students in grades 1-5. These interest-based seminars run between 8 – 12 weeks. Seminars take place either before school, from 8:00-8:45 AM or during the grade level recess time. Most seminars will begin the first week of October and end the last week of December. Students, who are interested in participating, need to fill out an interest form. Interest Forms can be found in folders attached to the bulletin board display outside of the Cafeteria (near the Computer Lab). Space is limited, so get your Interest Forms in early. Completed Interest Forms are due by Monday, September 23.
Grade 1
“Space, Planets and Stars” - Thursdays at recess (11:00 – 11:30 am)
Do you ever wonder about the night sky? In this seminar, you will learn all about the planets in our solar system. Use what you know to create a small display sharing what we learn.
Grade 2
“Tangrams and Poetry” - Mondays at recess (11:30 - 12:00 pm)
Do you like to solve puzzles? In this seminar you will learn how to solve and create different tangram puzzles. You will then use those puzzles to write creative poems.
“Dice, Cards and Dominoes” -  Thursdays at recess (11:30 - 12:00 pm)  
Do you like to use different manipulatives like dice, cards and dominoes? In this seminar you will learn new ways in which math is connected those resources, while playing games and solving puzzles.
Grade 3
“Budding Scientists” on Wednesdays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am)  -  Dec. 11 - Mar. 11
Do you like to explore new science topics and conduct experiments? In this seminar, you will make hypotheses and predict the results of various experiments.
“Unheard Perspectives” (UP)  -  Fridays before school (8:00 – 8:45 am) and Tuesdays before school in January and February
Do you like to learn about new people? In this seminar you will research African American innovators who had a significant impact on our lives.
Grade 4
“Math Olympiad” - Wednesdays before school (8:00 – 8:45 am)
Do you like to solve challenging math problems? Do you like to compete? In this seminar, you will learn and practice math problem solving strategies. You will be involved in our first school-wide Math Olympiad Competition.
“Budding Scientists” on Wednesdays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am)  -  Dec. 11 - Mar. 11
Do you like to explore new science topics and conduct experiments? In this seminar, you will make hypotheses and predict the results of various experiments.
“Unheard Perspectives” (UP) - Fridays before school  (8:00 – 8:45 am)
Do you like to learn about new people? In this seminar you will research African American innovators who had a significant impact on our lives.
Grade 5
“Battle of the Books” on Mondays at recess (12:00 - 12:30 pm) November - April
Do you love to read? Do you like competition? If so, this is the seminar for you! Students read 15 novels, ask and answer questions and form teams to showcase their knowledge of the books read. Then they compete against other teams from schools throughout the county in the Battle of the Books.
“Math Olympiad” - Wednesdays before school (8:00 – 8:45 am)
Do you like to solve challenging math problems? Do you like to compete? In this seminar, you will learn and practice math problem solving strategies. You will be involved in our first school-wide Math Olympiad Competition.
“Budding Scientists” on Wednesdays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am)  -  Dec. 11 - Mar. 11
Do you like to explore new science topics and conduct experiments? In this seminar, you will make hypotheses and predict the results of various experiments.
“Unheard Perspectives” (UP) - Fridays before school  (8:00 – 8:45 am)
Do you like to learn about new people? In this seminar you will research African American innovators who had a significant impact on our lives.
“Rubik’s Cube” - Fridays at recess (12:00-12:30 pm)
Do you like puzzles? In this seminar you will learn strategies to help you “do the cube”!