Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

(PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic expected social skills across settings and individuals. The multi-tiered “continuum” is comprised of carefully selected, evidence-based practices at three different levels of support intensity.

Tier 1: Universal practices are experienced by all students and educators across all settings to establish a predictable, consistent, positive and safe climate.

Tier 2: Targeted practices are designed for groups of students who need more structure, feedback, instruction and support than Tier I alone.

Tier 3: Indicated practices are more intense and individualized to meet the challenges of students who need more than Tiers 1 and 2 alone.

Each classroom and related arts teacher will be developing a Classroom Management Plan for the 2019-2020 school year. These management plans will be sent home to parents in the first weeks of October to allow families to be aware of expectations, support, and positive and negative consequences.

There will be an increased focus on acknowledging and reinforcing positive behaviors. Students displaying respectful, responsible, and ready behavior are considered “Ready to Learn” and will receive bobcat tickets and teacher praise. Students who consistently model respectful, responsible, and ready behavior and/or go above and beyond expectations are displaying “Hip Hip Hooray” behaviors and will receive bobcat tickets, teacher praise, positive phone calls, principal phone calls home, and/or pawsome certificate.

Students will be given an opportunity once a week to cash in their bobcat tickets for classroom or school-wide rewards. We encourage families to make discussions about bobcat tickets and how they were earned and spent in school a part of your daily/weekly conversations at home.