A Message from our Black Student Achievement Liaison

I am Mrs. Rhonda Boone, the BSAP Liaison for Stevens Forest Elementary School.  I have been an educator since 1995.  In the field of education, I have held positions as a 2nd and 3rd grade teacher, Education Liaison for my church First Baptist Church of Glenarden and an Education Liaison for the Prince George’s County Health Dept (Tobacco Ambassadors Program).  I am truly excited to part of an awesome school community.

As your child’s BSAP Liaison, I will play an instrumental role in collaborating with parents, students, and the school community. I will collaborate with teachers on providing best practices for African American students.  Also, I will be an advocate who provides support to maximize student potential and academic achievement. Therefore, this school year my goal is to work with parents and students and to adhere to Dr. Martirano and the "4 A's" – access, attendance, achievement and acceptance. These four basic principles underlie everything we are working toward to ensure every child is on a path to graduation and becoming life-ready.

If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at rhonda_boone@hcpss.org or (410) 313-6900.  I am super excited to be partnering with the Stevens Forest Family and to collaborate with and engage the African American families in the educational process.