Some new exciting instructional seminars will be starting in February. Instructional seminars are open to all interested students in grades 1-5. These interest-based seminars run between 8-12 weeks. Seminars take place either before school, from 8:00 – 8:45 am or during the grade level recess time. Students who are interested in participating, need to fill out an interest form. Interest forms can be found in folders attached to the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria. Space is limited, so get your Interest Forms in early. Completed forms are due Friday, January 24. Please see Mrs. Kastner or Mrs. Lepore if you have any questions.
Grade 1
“Lions, Tigers and Bobcats” on Thursday at recess (11:00 – 11:30 am) - February 6 - May 14
Do you love animals, especially cats? In this seminar, you will learn about wild cats. Use what you learn to create a display to share with others about how important these animals are to our world.
Grade 2
“Brain Busters” on Mondays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am) - February 10 - May 11
Do you like to solve puzzles and riddles? In this seminar you will learn about different types of math puzzles and riddles, while using your brain to challenge yourself.
“Endangered Animals” on Mondays at recess (11:30 - 12:00 pm) - February 3 - May 11
Did you know that some are in danger of becoming extinct? In this seminar, you will learn about some of the endangered animals by researching their habitat, life cycle and other interesting facts.
“50 Nifty States” on Thursdays at recess (11:30 - 12:00 pm) - February 6 - May 14
Did you know that the first public school opened in Maryland in the late 1600s? Learn about Maryland and the other states in the U.S. Find out about their capital cities, flags, flowers and important places.
Grade 3
“Brain Busters” on Mondays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am) - February 10 - May 11
Do you like to solve puzzles and riddles? In this seminar you will learn about different types of math puzzles and riddles, while using your brain to challenge yourself.
“Cryptology” on Tuesdays at recess (12:45 - 1:15 pm) - February 11 - May 12
Do you know that there are many ways to communicate? Do you know that people use codes instead of the regular alphabet to write each other (to keep their messages secret)? In this seminar you will learn about different codes and ciphers, and use them to read and write your own messages. If this sounds interesting to you, sign up for this seminar!
Grade 4
“Tiny Houses” on Tuesdays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am) - February 25 - May 26
Have you heard about the Tiny House movement? These small houses maximize all the living space available to minimize the impact on the environment. We will learn about green energy sources and examine our own carbon footprint.
“Math Olympiad” - Wednesdays before school (8:00 – 8:45 am) - March 18 - May 20
Do you like to solve challenging math problems? Do you like to compete? In this seminar, you will learn and practice math problem solving strategies. You will be involved in our first school-wide Math Olympiad Competition.
“Migratory Animals” on Thursdays at recess (12:00-12:30 pm) - February 6 - May 7
Have you ever wondered why animals move from one area to another? In this seminar, you will learn the reasons why animals migrate. You will also select an animal to research.
“Rubik’s Cube Mosaics” on Fridays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am)
*Being in the Rubik’s Cube seminar is a prerequisite for this seminar - March 27 - May 29
Did you enjoy solving the Rubik’s Cube? Do you like to create geometric pictures? If so, this seminar is for you. You will use cubes to create various patterns and pictures.
Grade 5
“Tiny Houses” on Tuesdays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am) - February 12 - May 7
Have you heard about the Tiny House movement? These small houses maximize all the living space available to minimize the impact on the environment. We will learn about green energy sources and examine our own carbon footprint.
“Math Olympiad” - Wednesdays before school (8:00 – 8:45 am) - March 18 - May 20
Do you like to solve challenging math problems? Do you like to compete? In this seminar, you will learn and practice math problem solving strategies. You will be involved in our first school-wide Math Olympiad Competition.
“Rubik’s Cube Mosaics” on Fridays before school (8:00 - 8:45 am)
*Being in the Rubik’s Cube seminar is a prerequisite for this seminar - March 27 - May 29
Did you enjoy solving the Rubik’s Cube? Do you like to create geometric pictures? If so, this seminar is for you. You will use cubes to create various patterns and pictures.