School Counselor Office Hours Begin April 14

I hope you’ve been doing well and I look forward to reconnecting with you soon!

Mrs. Carlson will have office hours available daily from 9:30am - 11:30am and from 12:00pm - 1:00pm starting Tuesday, April 14th.   Please email me at or fill out this Counselor Request Form to schedule time to meet with me.

Please note that I am currently working.  If you need counselor assistance prior to April 14th, please email me.  Please also note that I will be on Spring Break April 9-13 and will be unavailable during that time.

Howard County School Counseling Department will also be making announcements and posting college, career, and class lessons on Canvas in the upcoming weeks. You can also look for my counselor lessons on our Canvas pages that will be posted by April 20th.

Please know that I look forward to talking with you in the upcoming days and weeks. Stay safe and well.

Jennifer Carlson, SFES School Counselor