Quarter 4 Grading for PreK

Students will receive a “P” (pass) for the quarter if approximately 50% of the assignments are completed from the week of April 27 - June 8, 2020. If students are not completing assignments, I will be notifying you, so that your child may have an opportunity to complete tasks. Here are the expectations for completion for each area:

  • Math - Your child will be expected to work on DreamBox or complete the teacher learning activities provided.
  • Language Arts - Your child will be expected to work on Lexia or complete the teacher learning activities provided.
  • Social Development - Your child will be expected to complete the assignments each week. Submission of an assignment is a “P" (or pass). This will be monitored by the teacher as your child answers the completion question at the end of each module.
  • Integrated Content - Your child will be expected to complete the assignments each week.  Submission of an assignment is a “P" (or pass). This will be monitored by the teacher as your child answers the completion question at the end of each module.