Final Report Cards Now Viewable to Parents Online
Quarter four report cards will not be printed. Report cards are available for parents/guardians to view and/or download. To access Q4 report cards:
- Log in to HCPSS Connect Synergy (
- Select Academic Information from the left panel.
- Select Student's Report Cards from the middle.
- Select 2019-2020 Q4 Report Card.
Grading K-5
Students will receive a Pass (P) for each content area if they complete at least 50% of the assignments by the end of the quarter. This is 50% of each content area:
- ELA—263 minutes of LexiaCore5
- Math—263 minutes of DreamBox
- Science—Press the submit button 3 out of the 6 weeks after completing the activity/assignment
- Social Studies-- Press the submit button 3 out of the 6 weeks after completing the activity/assignment
- Health-- Press the submit button 3 out of the 6 weeks after completing the activity/assignment
- Art-- Press the submit button 2 out of the 5 weeks after completing the activity/assignment
- Music-- Press the submit button 2 out of the 5 weeks after completing the activity/assignment
- Technology-- Press the submit button 2 out of the 5 weeks after completing the activity/assignment
- Media-- Press the submit button 2 out of the 5 weeks after completing the activity/assignment
- Physical Education-- Press the submit button 2 out of the 5 weeks after completing the activity/assignment
If Student Receives an Incomplete Comment on Report Card
Teachers have been working on report cards based on the Continuity of Learning Guidelines. Students who have not completed the minimum requirements will receive an I or ICL on the report card and this comment will be included:
Your child has received one or more Incompletes during Quarter 4. Your child has the opportunity to make up Quarter 4 assignments before September 15, 2020. Work completed on or before that date will earn a Pass. HCPSS will share materials available for students who received Incompletes to complete this summer. Your child can complete the materials independently or as part of the Academic Intervention Summer Program. If your child is able to join the summer program, please email your Assistant Principal at to help you enroll your child. Please know that after September 15, 2020 all remaining Incompletes will become Not Available or NA.