Dr. Smith and Mrs. Carter are excited to continue Virtual Lunch Bunches in the New Year! We look forward to providing these opportunities for our students to engage with their administrators, friends, and some special surprise guests. Primary and Intermediate Bobcats, mark your calendars with the dates below:
- What? Primary Virtual Lunch Bunch
- Who? Students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grades
- When? Wednesday, 1/13/21 @12:00pm & Wednesday, 2/3/21@12:00pm
- Where? GM Code: SFESLunchBunchPrimary
- What? Intermediate Virtual Lunch Bunch
- Who? Students in 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades
- When? Wednesday, 1/20/21 @12:00pm & Wednesday, 2/24/21@12:00pm
- Where? GM Code: SFESLunchBunchIntermediate
Remember, children will enter using their child's HCPSS username and password. Google Meet is best accessed through the Chrome web browser.
We hope to see many of our Bobcats at their grade band lunch bunches!