Recently, HCPSS launched a new Facilities Checklist online site, This new resource provides the results of the walk-through school readiness inspections that are taking place at every school to confirm that all preparations are complete prior to the return of students and staff. I am pleased to let you know that the report on the recent walk-through inspection for Stevens Forest Elementary has been posted and can be viewed at this link.
Our school was inspected against an extensive School Readiness Checklist, which covers these areas:
- PPE for students and staff (masks, face shields, gloves etc., as applicable)
- Cleaning (daily cleaning procedures and supplies, and hand sanitizer stations and supplies)
- HVAC enhancements
- Health room and isolation room supplies and procedures
- Socially-distanced space arrangements (classrooms, eating areas and staff spaces)
- Signage for social distancing and health/safety practices (bathrooms, entrances, hallways, classrooms, cafeterias)
- Physical barriers in place (plexiglas, tape etc. where applicable)
I hope this new resource will help to reassure you of the many preparations that have been put in place in our building to help ensure your child’s health and safety. Additionally, you can find more information about HCPSS facility preparation in the Bridge to Normalized Instruction Hybrid Instructional Model document, and in answers to frequently asked questions on HVAC system preparations, social distancing measures, and facilities modifications on the HCPSS website.
We are eagerly looking forward to welcoming our students back to SFES classrooms over the next month. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.