You should have received an email indicating your child(ren)’s in-person placement for Group A (Monday/Tuesday) or Group B (Thursday/Friday). See dates below for reminders of when in-person begins for your student:
- Week of March 15th Student Grades Pre-K, K, 1, 2 return on assigned two days, A or B
- Week of March 29th Student Grades 3, 4, 5 return on assigned two days, A or B
We will be having two parent information sessions prior to students returning to the school building. These GoogleMeets will share information with our families who have selected to return to in-person instruction. We will be going over information pertaining to students entering the building. This is a repeat of the parent session that was held 2/25/21.
- Thursday, March 11th from 6-6:45 PM, GM Code: SFES-Hybrid
- Thursday, March 25th from 6:00-6:45 PM, GM Code: SFES-Hybrid
Ms. Elba Williamson will be available for Spanish translations at above date and times.
Remember, families will enter using their child's HCPSS username and password. Google Meet is best accessed through the Chrome web browser.