Competition Information...

Governor Hogan announced a student poster competition as part of Maryland's Healthcare Heroes Appreciation Week. The contest asks public school students to design posters of any size on the theme: "Celebrating Maryland's Healthcare Heroes." The contest is open now, and the last day for students to submit artwork is March 8. One winning poster will be selected at the state level from each category: elementary school, middle school, and high school.

Two jurors, First Lady Yumi Hogan, and Dr. Jinlene Chan, Maryland's Public Health Doctor, will review the district submissions and choose one winning poster from each grade band to be installed at a public event with Governor Hogan.
MSDE is also considering displaying the remaining posters in a virtual format or in various healthcare facilities across the state. The winning students will be invited to a celebration to receive a Governor's Citation.

All provided information can be found on the website: 2022 Governor's Healthcare Heroes Poster Competition.
Each submission must also have a signed release form by the students and their guardians. The release form can be found on the website listed above.

The last day for students to submit poster designs to the HCPSS Fine Arts Office is March 8 through the following link: STUDENT POSTER DIGITAL FILE UPLOAD & RELEASE FORM UPLOAD LINK