We need your help. Please read below to help support a safe arrival and dismissal for our students:
Students may arrive as early as 8:35 AM to wait under the entrance canopy. Teacher supervision begins at 8:35 AM and the school doors open at 8:45 AM. School begins at 9:00 AM, but arriving by 8:45 allows the children a chance to eat breakfast, settle-in for the day and reconnect with others. Students are considered tardy/late if they arrive at school after 9:00 AM.
Safety Reminders at Arrival:
- Cars must drive through the entire car loop
- Students can only be dropped off at the front of the school building at the 5 indicated stops
- Students should be ready with materials to exit from the right side of the car
- Students who arrive after 9am must be escorted into the building by their parent/guardian
- Students who arrive prior to 8:35 AM are not supervised and parent contact will be made
All students should be picked up at 3:30 PM, which is the end of the student day. Children who are picked up by an adult/older sibling (either walking or driving) will wait under the canopy grouped by grade. The staff will release the child to the trusted person. Anyone picking-up your child must be listed on his/her Family File (Emergency Form). Children who walk home unaccompanied are free to go as soon as their class is dismissed.
Since most students live within easy walking distance of the school, SFES does not have space for parking. At dismissal, car loop traffic can get backed up quickly (the wait on rainy and cold days could be lengthy). We recommend that you walk with your student from and to home, or park in the adjacent Stevens Forest Community Center parking lot and walk over to the school entrance to pick up your student. DO NOT PARK ON STEVENS FOREST ROAD.
Safety Reminders for Walkers
At this time, we noticed some families parking on the west side of Stevens Forest Road directly across from the school. These families are then crossing the road at that location, not at one of the crosswalks in either direction. That action is dangerous! Please use the designated crosswalks or tunnel at Kilimanjaro Road or the crosswalk across from the pool to cross Stevens Forest Road.
Car Riders
All car riders are to use the car loop that moves through the staff parking lot. Forming two lines when you first enter the parking lot and then merge into one line when you turn the corner near the dumpsters. Please keep the following in mind while using the car loop during arrival and dismissal:
- Do not pass other cars
- Be courteous of other drives
- Be on the lookout for pedestrians at all times
- Parents should stay in their cars - Staff will be available to assist children
- Follow the signals to stop and go from the staff at the crosswalks and along the sidewalk
- Students should only exit or enter the car at the sidewalk directly in front of the school where staff will be waiting; please do not allow your children to exit the car in the parking lot and walk over to the sidewalk
The safety of our students and staff depends on the cooperation and patience of everyone.