50th Anniversary - Save the Date & Spirit Wear

50th Anniversary - Save the Date

Did you know that the start of the 22-23 school year marks the 50th Anniversary of Stevens Forest Elementary School?  Please mark your calendar for Saturday, October 8, 2022!  On this date SFES, in partnership with our fantastic PTA, will be hosting a community event to celebrate 50 Years of Excellence at SFES!  We hope you will join us for this exciting milestone celebration!  Please spread the word among our wonderful community and to those who have had a connection to SFES over the last 50 years. More details will be shared in the near future. 

50th Anniversary Spirit Wear

Order your SFES 50th Anniversary Spirit Wear Now! 

Please print the form at this link, mark your order, and return it with cash or check to SFES by September 14, 2022!  Our spirit wear orders will arrive in time for students, staff, and community to wear to the anniversary celebration on October 8th!

Please note that a paper copy will be sent home with your child(ren) the first week of school; however we are accepting orders now!  There is an online payment option at this link; however, the order form above must still be printed, marked with exact order (sizing, shirt style, design, color, etc.) and returned to SFES prior to September 14th. Please reach out to Ms. Tatum (jomika_tatum@hcpss.org) for questions regarding spirit wear.