Winter Reading Challenge

We love reading at Stevens Forest Elementary and want to encourage our Bobcats to continue reading at home, especially during the Winter Break. Between December 24 and January 31 our school will be having a reading challenge, called “Winter Reading Challenge”. All students will be given two-pages for this challenge. One page has a mug on it with blank marshmallows and the other one has little marshmallows with different challenges written in them. Students will choose at least 10 different marshmallow reading challenges. They will also be given 8 blank marshmallows to create their own challenge. When students complete the challenge, they will cut out the marshmallow and glue it in the mug. The length of the challenge will be based on the number of minutes that students read. 10 minutes is the goal for students in Pre-K to 2nd grade. 20 minutes is the goal for students in grades 3-5. After completing that challenge, students will submit their paper with the mug and their selected marshmallow challenges, to their homeroom teacher. Students will earn 5 Dojo Points for completing the challenge and a packet of hot chocolate to enjoy while reading at home. In addition, their name will be written on a marshmallow and placed on the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria to recognize readers who did their best to complete this challenge. Students have until January 31 to participate in this reading challenge. Contact your child’s homeroom teacher if you have any questions.