End of Quarter 2 is Coming Soon

On January 20th we will finish up the second quarter of the 2022-2023 school year. We are incredibly proud of our students for their determination to their learning and growing both academically and socially. To close out the second marking period, students and staff are invited to participate in an optional Spirit Week.  See below for additional details. In addition, on January 18th, students and staff will celebrate the quarter’s successes by reflecting on positive ROARing behaviors with team celebrations, cross-age buddy activities, and class award ceremonies. We look forward to celebrating our Bobcats for their amazing efforts this quarter!

Monday, 1/16/23 - School and Office are Closed. 

Tuesday, 1/17/23 - Toasty Tuesday! Wear fuzzy socks, mittens, hats, etc. to keep you toasty warm!

Wednesday, 1/18/23 - 3hr Early Release, Winter Wonderland! Dress is all white or like a snowman!

Thursday, 1/19/23 - Team Color Day! Pre-K & Kinder wear BLUE, 1st Grade wear YELLOW, 2nd Grade wear ORANGE, 3rd Grade wear RED, 4th Grade wear GREEN, and 5th Grade wear BLACK!

Friday, 1/20/23 - Flannel Friday! Wear your favorite flannel shirt or pants!