Temporary Employee Position at SFES

APPLY TODAY! We are seeking an individual to work as a Temporary Employee (TE) at Stevens Forest Elementary School for the 2023-24 school year. TEs provide close adult supervision and support to special education students under the supervision of school staff. If you are interested in applying, you would interview at SFES and also complete an application through Social Service Consultants (please be sure you identify Stevens Forest ES as the school you want to work in when you complete your application).

Hours: 9:15-3:45 (includes a 30-minute unpaid lunch break)
Pay: $15 per hour (6 hours per day)

Please reach out to Casey Schurman, Assistant Principal at Stevens Forest, at Casey_Schurman@hcpss.org or 410-313-6900 if you have any questions or would like to interview to be considered for this position.