Help Us Speed Up Dismissal

Thank you for your flexibility and patience this first week of school as we work through our dismissal procedures. Each day has improved, and we appreciate your partnership to ensure a safe and efficient process. Please review the quick updates below to help us speed up dismissal:

Please Walk

  • Most students live within easy walking distance of the school; please allow your child to walk. If you want to walk with your child, please do so.
  • Another option to help reduce the car line is to park in the adjacent Stevens Forest Community Center parking lot and walk to pick up or drop off your child(ren). 
  • You may NOT park on the west side of Stevens Forest Road directly across from the school and cross the main road. This is dangerous! Only cross where designated crosswalks are - near Stevens Forest Pool or the tunnel at Kilimanjaro Road.

Car Riders

  • If you select to be a car rider, students must exit from the car's passenger side. Please arrange car seats to ensure a passenger-side exit. It is unsafe for students to get out of the vehicle on the driver's side.
  • Please pull all the way up to the first cone or the car in front of you.  This will help us to load and unload as many cars as we can in the front of the building.
  • Do not allow your student to leave your car until you arrive at the front of the building.  All students need to exit their car once they arrive at the front.
  • If a parent needs to park to assist their child with exiting, we ask that you park at the adjacent Stevens Forest Community Center parking lot and walk to the school, or we will ask you to pull out of the loop and pull off to the side. Drivers cannot get out of their cars. 
  • Work with children on buckling and unbuckling their seatbelts independently. Please have student backpacks/lunches/belongings with them rather than in the trunk.
  • Follow directions of all staff directing traffic. Follow the traffic pattern and exit the school property using the exit driveway.

Please note: Family members must wait in the grass beyond the canopy, to the left or right of the school at dismissal. This is a safety issue for our students and will be strongly enforced.

Thank you for your assistance with our dismissal plan. Please view this link.