5th Farewell Pick Up & Yearbooks

5th Grade Farewell Pick Up:  SFES wants to acknowledge and celebrate our Fifth Grade Students as they will be moving on to middle school for the 20-21 school year.  We will be holding a drive-by pick up on Wednesday, June 17 from 2:30pm to 3:00pm.  We are encouraging all families to drive if possible.  Please follow the regular car loop/dismissal pattern for SFES.  Please do not get out of your car.  If you are unable to visit by car and need to walk, please remain on sidewalks and use the crosswalks because we will not have crossing guards on duty. It is important to follow all social distancing guidelines.  Materials will be distributed at the front entry of the building.  

All Fifth Graders are encouraged to attend Wednesday, June 17 between 2:30pm and 3:00pm to receive their promotion certificate and a gift bag from the SFES PTA. The PTA gift bag will include a T-shirt, yearbook, and Bobcat coin for each of our fifth graders!  Thank you, PTA!

Yearbooks Pick Up (Pre-K through 4th Grade ONLY): We will be holding a drive-by pick up for students in pre-kindergarten - fourth grade who ordered yearbooks.  We are encouraging all families to drive if possible.  Please follow the regular car loop/dismissal pattern for SFES.  Please do not get out of your car.  If you are unable to visit by car and need to walk, please remain on sidewalks and use crosswalks because we will not have crossing guards on duty. It is important to follow all social distancing guidelines.  Materials will be distributed at the front entry of the building.  

This event will occur Wednesday, June 17 only at the times indicated below:

  • 3:15-3:45- Yearbook Pick Up Last Name A-L
  • 3:45-4:15- Yearbook Pick Up Last Name M-Z

**We do not have additional yearbooks, only those who ordered can attend the pick-up. Families will not be permitted to do this outside of their specific block of time. **