Free and Reduced Meals Program
The coronavirus pandemic is causing a lot of hardship for many of our friends and neighbors. Many HCPSS families have been impacted financially by the pandemic, and may be eligible now to receive benefits through the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FARMs) program. Qualifying families can take advantage of a wide range of additional resources and discounts, including testing fees, tuition, internet and more.
Participation in the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program qualifies students for the following opportunities:
- Access to HCPSS Pre-K program.
- Free registration fees for SAT and SAT I subject tests
- Free registration for ACT tests
- Reduced AP exam registration fees.
- Up to four free college applications
- Reduced tuition for HCPSS Summer Programs (High School, G/T Summer Institute, CTE, Summer Institute)
- Reduced tuition for HCPSS Innovative Pathways Program which offers an evening and summer program
- Reduced tuition for HCPSS Digital Education Program which promotes anywhere, anytime learning
- Free or reduced JumpStart tuition offered through our dual enrollment partnership with Howard Community College
- Free access to participate in the Outdoor Education Program for 6th graders. Contact the sixth-grade team leader at your child’s school for more information.
- Free registration for the NCAA Clearinghouse for DI or DII athletics
- Discounted internet through Comcast Internet Essentials program
Students may be eligible for these additional opportunities:
- Reduced health insurance coverage through Maryland Children’s Health Programs
- Reduced Columbia Association (CA) membership fees and access to the CA Youth and Teen Center
- Tuition-based scholarship at Columbia Center for Theatrical Arts
- Reduced Howard County Rec and Park Program fees (applies to before- and after-care; after-school clubs; sports leagues)
- Reduced YMCA fees (applies to before- and-after- school enrichment; preschool; summer camp)
- Free Head Start classes or Pre-K through the Community Action Council (CAC) of Howard County
- Access to the Judy Center which serves families with young children (birth through 5) who live in the Cradlerock Elementary School attendance area, have children who attend Head Start or who have 4-year-old children attending HCPSS Pre-K and/or Regional Early Childhood Center program.
- Access to Child Care Subsidy program through the Maryland State Department of Education
- Access to Bridges to Housing Stability
- Access to CAC Energy Assistance
- Disability resources, food supplement applications, and medical assistance applications through the Maryland Department of Human Resources
Reach out to the PPW office to inquire about the following resources:
- Help-A-Child vouchers through the Howard County Education Association
- Prepare for Success – School Supplies for Students
- Bright Minds Foundation and Lazarus Foundation gift a certain number of computers to students each year, so your child may be eligible.
Beneficios Gratis y con Descuento para Familias del HCPSS que Califiquen
El programa de FARMs (Comidas Gratis y a Precio Reducido) proporciona beneficios significativos a familias para ayudarles a ahorrar dinero. Las calificaciones son en base al tamaño de la familia y al ingreso y la inscripción es confidencial.
Gratis o [a Precio] Reducido:
- Desayuno y almuerzo
- Matrícula en Howard Community College
- Exámenes SAT, ACT y AP (de asignación avanzada)
- Campamentos, deportes y cuidado infantil
- ¡Y mucho más!