Sign up for Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences--Begins November 13th

Fall Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on November 23 - 25th. November 23rd and 24th are half days for students and conferences will take place in the afternoon. Many teachers will also host conferences on the evenings of the 23rd and 24th.  Teachers who do not host evening conferences will offer conferences on the 25th. There is no school for students on the 25th.

This fall, you may sign up for a conference with your child's ELA teacher. The conference window opens up on Wednesday, November 13th and will be open through Thursday, November 19th.  The conferences will be 20 minutes each. Some non-homeroom teachers may have office hours or conferences available for the parents/guardians of the students they work with. More information will come from those individuals to the impacted families via Canvas within the next week or so.
To sign up for a conference, please login to HCPSS Connect and click on "Conferences" in the navigation pane.

The Related Arts team is pleased to announce that they will be hosting "office hours" during our fall conference window. The office hours will be provided for parents/guardians of students in grades K - 5 to meet with a child's Related Arts teacher if they have any questions about assignments or expectations. Additional information regarding office hours will be provided soon.

If you have any additional questions about conferences, please feel free to reach out to the administrative team via email or contact the school, 410-313-6900.