Primary Grades:
- Students in primary grades will not receive an “N” grade if students have attended at least 60% of synchronous instruction, even if they did not complete the asynchronous work.
- Students may receive “N” grades if they did not attend at least 60% of synchronous sessions and did not submit assignments.
- Students will receive “I” and “W” grades based on performance on all synchronous, asynchronous, and observational data that has been collected by the teacher.
Intermediate Grades:
- Students in intermediate grades will not receive “D” or “E” grades if students attended at least 60% of synchronous instruction, even if they did not complete the asynchronous work.
- Students may receive “D” and “E” grades if they did not attend at least 60% of synchronous sessions and did not submit assignments.
- Students will receive “A”, “B” and “C” grades based on performance on all synchronous, asynchronous, and observational data that has been collected by the teacher.
All Grades:
- Students will have the entire quarter to complete asynchronous assignments in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
- Health grades will only be given in Q2 and Q4. This is a change from previous communication.
- Students will have the entire semester to complete asynchronous assignments in related arts and health.
- Tasks assigned in one quarter but due the next quarter will be counted in the next quarter.
- Learning Behaviors will not be graded for SY20-21.
- Interim reports will not be issued; instead, ongoing reporting will be handled via Canvas.
- Related Arts courses will be graded only twice per year, during Quarter 2 and Quarter 4.