The SFES PTA Nominating Committee nominates the following candidates for the 2021 SFES PTA General Election to be held on May 19, 2021 at 6:30pm.
- President: Maya Greene
- Vice President: Programs: Nadia Heron
- Vice President: Membership: Andre Neuland
- Vice President: Fundraising: J'ne St Cyr
- Treasurer: Mike Elser
- Recording Secretary: Sylvia Hennessie
- Howard County PTA Representative: Nina York
We still need additional positions filled for which the nominating committee didn’t receive letters of interest. PTA members may nominate themselves from the floor during the General Board Meeting on May 19, 2021 at 6:30 pm to fill the following positions:
- Corresponding Secretary
- Howard County PTA Representative
- Special Education Committee Chair
Thank you for all of the candidates that stepped up to continue the SFES PTA Board. The nominating committee appreciates your commitment.