Preschool Language and Executive Function Study at the University of Maryland

Organization - University of Maryland LEAD Lab

Ages - Birth to Pre-K

The University of Maryland's LEAD Lab is currently recruiting preschoolers (3-5 years old) to take part in one of their studies called the Preschool Language and Neural Engagement Study (PLANES)! The goal is to try to understand how children’s early experiences – especially their early communication with caregivers – influences their cognitive and brain development. Families receive compensation (~$20/hour) and information about their children’s brain development, like getting to take home photos of their brains! This study takes place entirely at UMD, and travel and childcare for siblings can be provided. Please fill out this form to get involved, or contact


3942 Campus Dr Suite 4235

College Park, MD 20740

United States

Contact Information

Name: Alicia Mortimer
