Quarter 4 Grading for Grades K - 5

We wanted to make you aware of the new grading policy for Quarter 4. Students will be graded on their completion of several activities. These activities include DreamBox, Lexia and Canvas assignments in all of the content areas, including related arts classes. Students will not be graded on learning behaviors for Quarter 4.

Students will receive a “P” (pass) for the quarter if approximately 50% of the assignments are completed from the week of April 27 through the week of June 8, 2020. If students are not completing content assignments, families will be notified, so students have an opportunity to complete tasks. Here are the expectations for completion for each content area:

  • Math - Students will be expected to work on DreamBox for a recommended 15-20 minutes a day or a total of at least 75 minutes per week.
  • Language Arts - Students will be expected to work on Lexia for a recommended 15-20 minutes a day or a total of at least 75 minutes per week.
  • Science, Social Studies and Health - Students will be expected to complete the assignments each week in all of these areas.  Submission of an assignment is a “P" (or pass).  This will be monitored by the teachers as the students answer the completion question at the end of each module.
  • Related Arts - Students will be expected to complete the assignments each week in all of the related arts courses. Submission of an assignment is a “P" (or pass). This will be monitored by the teachers as the students answer the completion question at the end of each module.