On-line Reading

Students can access resources and e-books through hcpss.me


  • 110 Additional eBooks are available in the “EBooks” Category

In the Databases Category:

  • Capstone ---Students in all grades have access to over 4,000 eBooks. Genres include fiction and nonfiction titles.
  • TumbleBooks---- All grades eBooks
  • EyeDiscover GradesK-2 ---eBooks
  • Lightbox for Grades K-2 and 3-5-- eBooks
  • World Languages Subscription Grades K-2--- eBooks
  • Research Databases: Abdo zoom Animales (Spanish), Abdo zoom Animals, Abdo zoom biographies, Abdo Zoom Steam, Britannica School, Britannia Image Quest, PebbleGo, PebbleGo Next, CultureGrams, Kids infobits

Students can find a short tutorial screencast on how to access MackinVia on their Library/Media course homepage.

Howard County Public Library

Students should use the link/tab “HC Library Digital Resources” on hcpss.me. Students will see their A+ Student Library Card. To access resources and eBooks, select the blue A+ Students button.  Select the blue “Elementary eContent” link to see all of the available eBooks and resources.