SFES School Accountability Information

Wed, 12/05/2018 - 11:20am

On December 4, the Maryland State Department of Education released the 'Maryland Report Card' for each of the schools in Maryland. This report reflects school accountability as defined by the state of Maryland in response to the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which became law in 2015. The MSDE School Report Card considers multiple data points before ultimately assigning a star ranking (1-5) for every school in the state.

The Report Card provides broad insights into 4 categories of school measures...

  • Academic Achievement
  • Academic Progress
  • English Language Proficiency
  • School Quality and Student Success

Overall school performance is determined by a formulaic combination of these 4 categories. The combination of points, assigned by the state in each category, results in a percentage that is then associated with a school's star ranking.

  • 75-100% = 5 Stars
  • 60-74%   = 4 Stars
  • 45-59%   = 3 Stars
  • 30-44%   = 2 Stars
  • >30%      = 1 Star

Stevens Forest Elementary School earned a percentage of 69.5% and was thus designated as a 4-star school by MSDE on the 2017-2018 School Report Card.

The information from the Maryland Accountability Program is a snapshot of the work that is done at Stevens Forest every school day. The information that we will gain from the report will assist us with understanding the areas in which we are doing well and those areas that need to be studied and improved.

For more information about the Stevens Forest Report Card, and report cards from other schools/districts throughout the state if interested, please visit http://reportcard.msde.maryland.gov. In addition, there will be a short presentation about the report during the SFES PTA Meeting on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 6:30 PM in the SFES Media Center. Please join us with your thoughts and questions.