Important News

Student Technology Incident Invoices

Soon families who have unpaid invoices for lost, stolen or damaged Chromebooks will receive reminder emails from MySchoolBucks.

Summer Meals

HCPSS will continue providing free meals to all HCPSS students and any children aged 18 and under, weekdays from June 27-Aug. 12, with the exception of July 4 and 19.

Spring MAP Reports Available

Students in Grades 1-5 participated in the spring administration of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment in April.


Join us IN PERSON to learn about fun math and reading games for the summer on May 25.

Kindergarten Registration is Open

Every child who is 5 years old by September 1 must be enrolled in a kindergarten program this fall or have an approved waiver.

Kindergarten Orientation/Readiness

Please help us spread the word through the Stevens Forest Community about our upcoming Kindergarten Orientation/Readiness meeting for parents and guardians.

Spring Title I Parent Survey

We are asking you to fill out a survey that will help us plan activities and give us feedback about SFES so we can serve our families in the best way possible.

2022-2023 SFES Parent Consideration Input

As part of our process of articulating classes for the upcoming school year, we would like to give you the opportunity to share some information that you would like for us to consider as we create classroom groupings.