Important News

New Sign in Procedures

We have implemented a new computerized school sign-in procedure last month.

Yearbook Orders

Yearbook order forms are coming home in your child's Friday Folder.

Winter MAP Assessment

Your child will participate in the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) in mathematics and reading this winter.

Register for Parent/Teacher Conferences

The upcoming February conferences on 2/13/20 and 2/14/20 will be held with your child’s math teacher. Parents/guardians may schedule the parent-teacher conferences using HCPSS Connect starting on Thursday, January 30th.

Message from the Principal

School orientations are an excellent way to get to know staff and become familiar with your child's new school, learn about school programs, and hear about ways students and families can get involved.

Road to Kindergarten Event

If you or someone you know has a child preparing to enter Kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year, please consider attending the Road to Kindergarten information session.