Tue, 09/10/2019 - 12:38pm
Instructional Seminars are open to all students in grades 1-5.Mon, 09/09/2019 - 11:47am
Apply online today for Free and Reduced Meals benefits.Mon, 09/09/2019 - 11:41am
In an effort to increase organization and safety, our afternoon dismissal procedures will be as follows:Mon, 09/09/2019 - 9:58am
There will be no printed 2019-2020 calendars.Mon, 09/09/2019 - 9:57am
Donate your gently worn, used and new shoes to SFES to help raise funds for the PTA.Mon, 09/09/2019 - 9:56am
We use a Daily Communication Folder and Friday Folder/Weekly Newsletter to communicate with our families.Mon, 09/09/2019 - 9:55am
We welcome volunteers at Stevens Forest Elementary.Mon, 09/09/2019 - 9:55am
Parents must report to the front office when picking up their child for an early dismissal.Mon, 09/09/2019 - 9:54am
Breakfast and lunch are available to all students each day.Mon, 09/09/2019 - 9:53am
Hearing/Vision testing will be held at SFES on Wednesday, Sept. 11 with rechecks on Sept. 18.