Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Pawsitive Behavior

PBIS: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Student Behavior Management Information for Parents

Student Behavior Management Parent Presentation

The staff of Stevens Forest Elementary School is focused on working with students and their families to promote positive behavior in all school settings. We have three school rules which are reinforced daily.
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready

When the school rules are followed, students have an opportunity to be recognized for their efforts by receiving Bobcat Tickets in order to receive incentives. When school rules are not followed, specific consequences result
based on the behavior. We believe that compliance with these rules allows all students to learn in a safe and nurturing environment. The three rules we promote at school can also be applied to situations outside of the school building.
The following are a few examples:
Be Respectful
Classroom: Use positive language when responding to others.
Lunch/Recess: Use kind words and include others in play or conversation.
Home: Follow directions the first time without argument.
Community: Be a kind and helpful neighbor.
Be Responsible
Classroom: Do your schoolwork and turn it in.
Lunch/Recess: Clear your table in the cafeteria and return all playground equipment.
Home: Help with housework.
Community: Keep the neighborhood clean.
Be Ready
Classroom: Have school supplies ready at the start of each class.
Lunch/Recess: Be prepared to listen to a change in directions.
Home: Get your backpack ready for school the night before.
Community: Know safety rules.
Classroom Management Plans
Bobcat Tickets
Students are given a Bobcat Ticket when they are caught being respectful, responsible, and ready.
Students can save tickets to trade for various incentives and rewards.
Tickets can be traded for coupons for high priced activities
(ex. Bobcat beanie baby).

"2006 Exemplar School"
"2007 Exemplar School"
"2008 Exemplar School"

"2009 PBIS Maryland Gold Recognition School"
"2010 PBIS Maryland Gold Recognition School"
"2011 PBIS Maryland Gold Recognition School"
"2012 PBIS Maryland Gold Recognition School"
"2013 PBIS Maryland Gold Recognition School"
"2014 PBIS Maryland Gold Recognition School"