Important News

Unity Day

October is Bully Prevention Month and Wednesday, October 21 is Unity Day.

HCPSS Meal Additions & Distribution Revisions

Beginning 10/12/20, HCPSS Food and Nutrition Services will enhance meal offerings with the addition of snacks, dinner and weekend meals, to provide additional nutritional meals to all children

Community Academies for Parents

The first meeting will be held on October 17 and the topic is ‘Effective Home and School Communication’.

Tune in Tuesday

Every other Tuesday, at 6:30 pm, there will be a LIVE reading from a SFES staff member starting October 13th!

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

On Wednesday October 7 and 14, students in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will take the Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment.