Important News

Message from SFES PTA

November is a month to think about things we are thankful for.

Grading Changes for Quarter 1

Due to the negative impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and transition to virtual learning, the Howard County Public School System has made some changes to 1st quarter grading that you may see reflected on your child’s report card.

OMHS Food Pantry

We are so happy to announce that the OMHS Food Pantry will be open Wednesday, October 28 for distribution.

Fall Fun with the SFES PTA

Please visit the Stevens Forest Elementary PTA website or Facebook page for two exciting opportunities to participate in some Fall Fun with our community!

HCPSS Student Meals Updates

Effective October 12, HCPSS began adding a snack and dinner to each weekday meal, in addition to breakfast and lunch already being served

Grading Procedures

It is important to underscore that Canvas is a relatively new tool for the elementary school community, especially when it comes to grading.

Hybrid Instruction Survey

On Monday, October 12, a short survey was distributed centrally to all HCPSS families to gather data on whether families intend to send their student(s) back to school or continue fully virtual learning through the end of the current school year.