Important News

Rising OMMS 6th Grade Orientation

On behalf of the our wonderful faculty, I want to extend to you and your family a very warm welcome to Oakland Mills Middle School.

Pick Up and Drop Off of Items

HCPSS has developed protocols for school staff, families, and students to follow to retrieve high priority items from our schools.

Student/Family Item Pick-Up and Drop-Off

Plans are being made for students and their families to drop off important items from home to school, as well as for the pick-up of very important items that were left at school.

Parents of 5th Grade Students

SFES is in the process of planning a Virtual Promotion event for our 5th graders who will be moving to middle school for the 2020-2021 school year.

Pre-K Applications

Please share this information with your neighbors!

Community Resources

Information about The Community Action Council and Howard County React

Attendance and Grading

The information below provides further clarification and expectations for attendance and grading.