Important News

Counseling Connection Newsletter

The HCPSS Elementary School Counseling Connection Newsletter is a great resource for students and parents to read together.

CARE (Child and Adolescent Resources and Education) Line

The Howard County Office of Children and Families provides a free information and referral service for questions about behavior, child care, special needs, health and mental health concerns, financial assistance and other topics.


Tumble Math is a fun and engaging way to learn math concepts through stories.

Attendance in Continuity of Learning

Teachers at all levels will document student attendance during Continuity of Learning using a point system based on student participation in learning activities each week.

Change in Your Child’s Canvas Page

Canvas pages and tasks for Elementary School Science, Social Studies, and Health will have a link for students to visit to mark the completion of the weekly task.

Parent Consideration Form

In making placement decisions for the 20/21 school year, we would like to give you the opportunity to share some information that you would like for us to consider.

Weekly Updates 5/1/20

We were very pleased with our first full week of distance learning.