Important News

Zones of Regulation

This year, students at SFES are engaging in the Zones of Regulation curriculum during their Social Emotional Learning/ Community time (SEL).

Annual MLK Poster Contest

Poster Contest is open to students where participants can visually express their interpretation of Dr. King's dream through creative poster designs.

How to Show our Gratitude to Veterans

At Stevens Forest Elementary, we would like to thank family members of our students who have previously served or are currently serving in any branch of the United States military.

Judy Center at SFES

We are very excited to share that SFES has been awarded a grant from MSDE Division of Early Childhood for the establishment of a Judy Center Early Learning Hub at Stevens Forest Elementary School.

PEP Family Resiliency Program

A free 8-week program for HCPSS mothers, fathers, and caregivers of children pre-k to 12th grade